
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2208 )

( 2024 )


匹配条件: “Václav ?epa” ,找到相关结果约151500条。
Evaluation of the BPMN According to the Requirements of the Enterprise Architecture Methodology
Journal of Systems Integration , 2012,
Abstract: This article evaluates some characteristics of the Business Process Modelling Notation from the perspective of the business system modelling methodology. Firstly the enterprise architecture context of the business process management as well as the importance of standards are discussed. Then the Business System Modelling Methodology is introduced with special attention paid to the Business Process Meta-model as a basis for the evaluation of the BPMN features. Particular basic concepts from the Business Process Meta-model are mapped to the usable constructs of the BPMN and related issues are analysed. Finally the basic conclusions are made and the general context is discussed.
Vztah procesního ízení a Enterprise Architecture
Markéta Zimmermannová,Václavepa
Systémová Integrace , 2011,
Abstract: The objective of this article is to explore relationship between Business process management and Enterprise architecture as the approches that play important role in the effort for efficient enterprise. The article explors which areas of the overall enterprise environment are of the main focus of these approaches and whether they can compete in the approach to the identification, management and implementation of the change. Some specifics of these approaches are further analyzed and compared in the effort to find their potential synergies.
To an Axiomatic Model of Rate of Growth  [PDF]
Václav Studeny, Ivan Mezník
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/am.2013.49179

In the paper an axiomatic approach to express rates of growth is presented. The formula is given of rate of growth at a point as the limit case of rate of growth on an interval and the inverse formula is derived to compute present and future value of capital for an integrable rate of growth. Incidentally some inconsistencies in currently used formulas are pointed out.

A Part as an Object of Assembly  [PDF]
?tefan Václav, Peter Pokorny, Adriana Kamenszká
World Journal of Engineering and Technology (WJET) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2021.94062
Abstract: Assembly is currently a very important element in the production process. We can also define it as the last stage in the production process. It greatly affects the quality of the product and especially the time needed to make the final product. The presented article is a contribution to the improvement of methods in the field of technological design of the product in terms of assembly, resp. in the field of methodologies known as DFA, which in its entirety means Design of Assembly. The general objective of improving the assembly process is in most cases reducing the cost of the product. With the gradual development of the technologies coming into practice, companies are focusing mainly on improving the elements of assembled products of the assembly system. This state can be achieved, for example, by reducing the number of?components,?so the complexity and laboriousness of the assembly will be radically reduced. This in turn leads to a decrease in unit assembly costs. Proper assembly settings can help a company succeed in the competition and thus contribute to a stable position of the company in the market. The aim of the article is to find the other objective indicators of assembly quality evaluation.
PRESTA: associating promoter sequences with information on gene expression
Václav Mach
Genome Biology , 2002, DOI: 10.1186/gb-2002-3-9-research0050
Abstract: The PRESTA algorithm examines the putative GenBank/EMBL promoters and automatically removes most of the poorly annotated entries. The remaining records are connected to expressed sequence tags (ESTs) through a high-stringency BLAST search. The frequency and source of recovered ESTs provide an estimate of the activity and expression pattern of the promoter, and the ESTs' 5' ends assist in transcription start-site verification. The PRESTA database provides easy access to non-redundant upstream regulatory regions recently extracted by the PRESTA algorithm. The current size of this resource is 552 human and 241 mouse promoters. Surprisingly, no overlap between the PRESTA database and the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) was detected by sequence comparison.The PRESTA algorithm demonstrates the principle of promoter verification by mapping EST 5' ends. The publicly available PRESTA database collects hundreds of characterized and partially verified promoter sequences and is complementary to other promoter databases.Construction of large sets of well-characterized promoter sequences is driven by a general expectation that detailed comparative studies exploiting large groups of promoters will eventually lead to an understanding of promoter architecture. The two prominent currently available resources of upstream promoter sequences are the Transcription Regulatory Regions Database (TRRD) [1] and the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) [2]. They rely on published data and frequently neglect experimentally characterized but otherwise unpublished promoters submitted to GenBank [3] and EMBL [4] libraries. This suggests the idea of exploiting GenBank and EMBL as an alternative source of annotated upstream regulatory sequences. Unfortunately, any organism-wide GenBank/EMBL query intended to retrieve promoter sequences will recover records containing data of very variable quality. Removal of inadequate or poorly annotated entries requires considerable manual effort and can be great
A note on integral vortex strength
Václav Kolá
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics , 2010, DOI: 10.2478/v10098-010-0003-3
Abstract: Controversial aspects of the conventional and widely used concept of the integral vortex strength are briefly discussed. The strength of a vortex is usually calculated as the circulation along the vortex boundary, or equivalently due to Green's theorem, as the surface integral of vorticity over the planar vortex cross section. However, the local effect of an arbitrary "superimposed shear" is fully absorbed by vorticity what makes the circulation a shear-biased vortex characteristic. The present paper shows that different vortex-strength models can be derived on the basis of different local vortex intensities proposed in the literature. The outcome of these models naturally differs, even for an ideally axisymmetric vortex. Three different vortex-strength models are compared and discussed by examining the unsteady Taylor vortex.
Porovnávání 50 eskych měst pomocí fuzzy logiky
Václav Bezděk
Systémová Integrace , 2011,
Abstract: This paper tries to process the data from “MasterCard Czech Centre for Development” study from 2010 using fuzzy logic, and compare the results with results of the study.
EDUCATION MANAGEMENT MASTER DEGREE -THE CHALLENGE FOR SYSTEM OF SCHOOL LEADERS' EDUCATION / Navazující magistersky studijní obor management vzdělávání - vyzva pro systém p ípravy ídicích pracovník
Trojan Václav
Technológia vzdelávania , 2010,
Abstract: The author of article is the leader of department the Education Management Centre, at Faculty of Education at Charles University Prague. His contribution is focused on some questions of education of school leaders in the Czech Republic. He confronts the requiere-ments posed to the headmasters with their professional preparation. He presents the new discipline - Education Management (master degree) - to lecture from next academic year.Autor p íspěvku sebude zabyvat systémem vzdělávání ídících pracovník v eské republice. Otev ením navazujícího magisterského studijního oboru Managementvzdělávání, ktery se bude realizovat po ínaje akademickym rokem 2010-2011 na autorově pracovi ti - Centru kolského managementu PedF UK v Praze, selogickym zp sobem zaklene systém vzdělávání těchto pracovník . Uceleny vzdělávací program, ktery m e byt navíc zavr en rigorózním ízením, bude jistě vyhledáván pracovníky ze vzdělávací sféry, schopnymi do budoucna pozitivně ovlivnit nejen vlastní pracovi tě, ale i ir í podmínky vzdělávání v regionu i v celé republice. P íspěvek objasní strukturu a cíle tohoto studijního programu, za leníjej do celého systému p ípravy ídících pracovník ve kolství a pouká e na p etrvávající slabá místa systému.
COMPETENCE OF HEADMASTERS - QUALIFICATION OR ABILITY? / Kompetence editel kol - pravomoci nebo schopnosti?
Trojan Václav
Technológia vzdelávania , 2009,
Abstract: Author is an externalworker in the Education Management Centre, at Faculty of Education at Charles University Prague. His contribution is focused on some questions of managerial competence of the headmasters with regard to the revision of the educationalsystem in the Czech republic. He presents results of realized natio-nalproject Successful headmaster and he compares his results with point of view of project participants. He confronts the requierements posed to the headmasters with their professionalpreparation. He describes some experience of workers out of schoolsystem.Autor je externím pracovníkem Centra kolského managementu Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy Praha. Ve svém p íspěvku se zabyvá problematikou ídících kompetencí editel kol v kontextu probíhající kurikulární reformy v eské republice.Seznamuje s vysledky ji realizovaného projektu ESF úspě ny editel, srovnává svoje vysledky se subjektivním pojetím kompetencí ú astník projektu. Tradi ně pojímanou roli editele koly srovnává se situací mimo resort kolství.
Vyvoj a proměny stranického systému na Faerskych ostrovech
Václav Brachtl
St?edoevropské Politické Studie , 2010,
Abstract: Party System Development in the Faroe Islands. The article deals with the creation of and changes in the party system of the Faroe Islands. Sartori’s party system typology is used. Attention is also paid to the cleavages shaping the Faroese party system. The story of Faroese party politics starts at the beginning of the 20th century when the Unionist and Self-Government parties were founded. The system was influenced mainly by Faroese-Danish relations and by economic crises in the 1920s and 1990s.

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